The Warlocks Homepage

Who or what are we? Nobody knows much yet.

This is a great place to give more details about me, as the Webmaster. I could give personal information about my family, my job, my education, and my hobbies and interests. I could also include a list of any of my favorite things.

But I won't - this about a band, not my ego.

The Rest Of The Band
There is only one other full-time member of The Warlocks at this time:

Matt Hicks

Also known as 'Sticks' because he is painfully thin, he's a wizard (of course) on the guitar and other various electrical gadgets, producing noises resembling early Floyd. We love it!

An album of material omitted from "The Wind of Kronos" debut album has finally been released. Originally planned as a limited edition "add-on" it has been fully released as an album in it's own right.

Thanks to Dr Newstead, Julie Rodriguez and Mark Banner who all worked on the album. (Check the discography page for more details)

Stay tuned.

The Warlocks